Oct. 29, 2020, 9:55 a.m. | Tagged under Psychology, Philosophy, whatever, Podcast

A not-so lightweight conversation with psychiatrist and eloquent author Dirk De Wachter about:
- a life worth living
- our lack of acceptance of death
- making others happy instead of ourself
- how we survive by destroying the other
- accepting life's sh*t sometimes
- overdiagnosing
- the rushing in our times

Favourite quotes:
"You have a brain, use it!"
"Hell is lacking others"
"Everybody a diagnosis"
"That's really psychiatric talk"

Dirk agreed on doing this interview because this way he can reach more people. He wants you to take what he said and think about it yourself, or as he would say: "you have a brain, use it!". That happens to be the same goal as the podcast.

So please help us, share this, and encourage people to question the obvious.